So little time… so little to do

March 12, 2006


Filed under: geeky — Priyam @ 7:18 pm

strange…. how long have I been wanting to read the book title Nice Guy ( googled around for a link but could find none…. think it has been so long that I have even forgotten the name)… anyway, the book is about a drug smuggler who travels around, on false identities, carrying out an innumerable number of legal busineeses all to aid his illegal one…. the book is written by the author while in the confinements of prison… so it says in the back cover and in the first few pages of what I have read of it….

having gave up all hopes of finally reading that one… and a long time I am without a good book to read (oh! I think I must have abondoned all hopes of finishing Feynman’s life story…)… I finally landed up with Shantaram…. turns out this is an equally remarkable story of a wanted criminal from Australia who lands up in Bombay…. and has his go at drug dealings, films… what not…. just started off with this one and the first 25 pages yet have been quite amazing…. the book is huge…. and turns out that this is the third draft… the first two were destroyed by the police… and he wrote it all over again…. this massive book… one little question though…. why do I have a penchant for books by bad guys ?

so, if you find no blogs for a while… u know what to blame it on….

1 Comment »

  1. Please check out my take on shantaram..not as sugary as yours…but i feel still worth a dekko.

    Comment by WeedWanderer — June 1, 2006 @ 5:19 pm | Reply

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